SHAME… SHAME… SHAME… Post this article on the 19th of the month for a top motion design from last month, Check ! To forgive me, here are 20 completely crazy Motions Design.

For the next Tops I will try to post only videos without any comments. Because as you see I can’t keep up with posting once a month. So enjoy this new DOD TOP !

Poster cet article le 19 du mois pour un top motion design du mois dernier, c’est fait ! Pour me pardonner, voici 20 motions design complétement dingue !

Pour les prochains tops, je vais essayer de poster uniquement les vidéos sans les petites descriptions. Comme vous avez pu le voir, je n’arrive pas à tenir le rythme d’un post par mois. Alors voilà le nouveau DOD TOP!

Slepichev Alexander – “Super powers”

Rocketpanda – ” GS1 circular economy “

Feitosa – “FTD Quanticos”

Philip Robibero – “Great Big Story Podcast Promo”

Patrick Clair – “How low voter”

Le Cube – “PicPay”

Cory Sutter – “Vote For…”

Beginners – “Ping Zhu”

Aggressive – “Google Assistant”

Gabriele Calvi – “Town Portal”

Johan Eriksson – “Crack”

Colin Hesterly – “7Up | Surf”

JIAQI – “Say it with Anchor”

Troy Browne – “Black is …”

Steve Savalle – “Alexa WSIRN”

Gunner – “Amazon…”

Radio – “Purple Peaople Eater”

Giant Ant – “TED…”

Hornet – “Away “Travel the Vote””

Daniel Cordero – “Yoplait OUI”